Today, after finishing some issues I had far far away from Bucharest city centre, I did a strange, not-at-all straight way back home, a good-bye trip by my working-days Bucharest, in this quiet Tuesday after Easter, the "third Easter day" in Romanian, when you here everywhere "Hristos a inviat" instead of "Good morning", and you must answer "Adevarat a inviat" also... (Christ has risen - He has truly risen). Romania really IS a religious country, speaking of cultural habits, that makes Spain seems an atheist one! (And believe me, it is not).
As always, lost my track... So I bumped into a great but very humble photo vernisaj at Metro Station Dristor 1, organised by Bucurestiul meu drag (, called Cele două lacuri.
Why great? Well, just go and watch the photos; why humble? Not big frames or expensive enlarged photos printed in pretty poster boards, but DIN-A3 prints that can be unnoticed any other day in this busy common metro station.
An exhibition done with love and care.
Photos will be exhibited from 13th April until 26th April. If you can, pass by, and enjoy Bucurestiul meu drag (my dear Bucharest)! If not, check the photos at the website!
2 comentarios:
Habits, maybe...
Yo no estaria tan segura, pero lo que si que queda es el miedo de Dios. Guided by fear, if you want!
Sí, a eso me refería a los hábitos... No creo que la gente estuviera hoy pensando demasiado en la resurrección de Cristo... :)
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