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lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

Cinema Paradiso

Today I closed my laptop at 18.30, decided that my working day was over and headed to the cinema, to a "Cinemateca" near my house, Cinema Union, a small cinema where the films are shown only if there's at least 6 people, where one day they show 1922's Nosferatu, and the next 2007's Juno. Sometimes it's a DVD screening, which is deceiving, but I like this place anyway because it's just around the corner, and because the athmosfere is quite easy-going, kind of nice family business treatment for us clients. And besides, money-is-money, films cost 10 lei (2,5 euro) and I've been told that Fridays are free (I have to check that. But it might be, because the other day, a Friday, I thought I skipped into the other Cinemateca -felt a little guilty- but maybe it was free -it was crowded, so it sounds reasonable-).

Anyway, let's focus on my story: I was going to watch, this time, Michael Clayton, at 7 pm. Nothing rare, nothing surprising. A mainstream film that I didn't get to watch in Madrid, and most of you, I'm sure, have downloaded from the Internet. They had been showing it a couple of months around here in distant Malls, so I didn't feel like going by myself. Film distribution is like that, here, most of films are firstly released in modern cinemas at the Malls (with its high prices, 5-6 euros -think on Romanian medium income, not in mine or yours- and far too talkative audience), then disappear a couple of weeks and come up again, if you're lucky (I''m still waiting for some, don't lose hope), this time in some shabby-looking 2-euro movie theatre in the city centre... The city centre, where I live, and where I'd like to go to the cinema anyway, no matter where I'd live.

Hey me! Behave! Don't loose your focus... So I arrived Cinema Union. It was a rainy Monday: even students stay at home on Mondays. That's why I wasn't really surprised when the man at the door told me that there was no film at 19 pm, I just thought, "damn it, there's not even 6 people today...". But no, he explained further: the film couldn't be shown because it hadn't arrived on time from Cluj (a Transilvanian town) ! He told me to call next dayto check if the film will be on (as I told you, it seems a family business, sometimes).

So here I am, coming back home in a 21st-century European capital, full of lights, cars and shops, and somehow feeling inside the 1950s' Cinema Paradiso, that film by Giuseppe Tornatore where a man had to sprint its bike through Sicilian roads to deliver in time a rudely censored love movie, or some Western, to an expectant population...

But I must come to see Michael Clayton this week. I must. Because I'm really curious, I want to check one thing: will it be a DVD copy? Finding out is worth 2 euros! It would be completely absurd but I sort of have a hunch... Isn't Romania Ionesco's home country for a reason?

5 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Very good post, Irene, but I'm too depressed to comment: we lost the elections (big time). Our only hope is for Berlusconi TO DIE! before it's too late.

Galo dijo...

No les llego la cinta desde Cluj, que buena razon. No te fijaste si hubo algun tren cancelado o algo asi?

Pereulok dijo...

A lo mejor una huelga... (andan movidos, los ferrocarriles...). Iba a ir hoy a ver la peli... y no he podido porque justo hoy ponían... ¡Nosferatu! Yo creo que la tienen de relleno, la ponen una semana sí otra también :)

Juan Manuel dijo...

Buen país para ver Nosferatu...

Por cierto, te has encontrado ya con el problema de la minoría húngara?

He encontrado esta gramatica por casualidad,no sé como será. Parece buena.


Pereulok dijo...

Bueno, he visto algún cartel por la calle, pero la verdad es que no he visitado la zona húngara. Todavía no he percibido de verdad el problema ni con los gitanos ni con la minoría húngara, más allá de algunas frases significativas:

- Para decirle a un niño que no tire papeles al suelo: "no hagas gitanadas". Pero bueno, esto sólo no significa nada, en español tenemos miles de expresiones sobre judíos, y no somos xenófobos con ellos (m´s que nada porque no queda ninguno, no es que tenga yo tanta confianza en mi propio pueblo).

- El ministro de Obras Públicas es húngaro. Fui a una conferencia y luego comenté con otro rumano con el que me relaciono por trabajo lo que había dicho y su comentario es: ¿sabías que es húngaro? Me quedaré con la duda de lo que significa eso, porque no era diplomático seguir por ahí en ese momento.

Be updated (if updated)